
Manifests have been mentioned a handful of times already in this course. In the ‘Source Paths’ section, the static-app was deployed and configured entirely via command-line arguments. And while this worked fine for our first deployment, if we wanted to deploy it again in another space or share the configuration with a colleague, we’d need to recall the CLI arguments we used. Sharing CLI commands isn’t a very reliable way to deploy our app, especially if something changes in our configuration.

Instead, we use a manifest file to specify values for all configurable parameters. Using a manifest file is a good practice because it can be kept in version control. A version-controlled manifest is consistent and can be shared between developers. It also allows manifest updates to be rolled out to multiple deployments quickly and efficiently, especially when integrated as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Creating manifests via the CLI

You can write a manifest from scratch manually by following the documentation. But that requires a fair amount of YAML wrangling. Instead, Cloud Foundry can create a manifest for you based on the current state of a deployed application. Use the CLI to generate a manifest for the static app:

cf create-app-manifest static-app

The CLI will generate a manifest file in your current directory.

Note: the name of the file is static-app_manifest.yml, not manifest.yml, as it’s named after the app. To use this manifest on a push, you need to supply the -f flag and the path to the manifest (or rename the file to manifest.yml, which is the default that the CLI will look for in the current directory).

Looking at the app manifest, you’ll notice it includes the stack property. You didn’t specify this when you pushed the app, so Cloud Foundry used its default value.

Testing the Manifest

Let’s test our new manifest. Start by deleting the static-app, then re-pushing it with the manifest.

cf delete -f -r static-app
cf push -f static-app_manifest.yml 

Try running `cf delete –help to see what the flags in the command above do.

If you used the exact commands above, the app will not deploy correctly. When you open the app route in a browser, you will see a 403 error. This is the same error you saw in the Source Paths section. Open the manifest and see if you can figure out what’s wrong.

Cloud Foundry can only include the config elements in the generated manifest that it knows about. The path to the file is missing from the generated manifest. Cloud Foundry doesn’t know the path you used on your local filesystem. Fix this by adding the path to the manifest, or by pushing with the -p parameter. How you choose to fix this will depend on your use-case. For now, let’s push with the -p parameter:

cf push -f static-app_manifest.yml -p

The app should now correctly display the Cloud Foundry logo again.

CLI vs Manifest Precedence

When working with manifests, you can override their values on the command line. You can test this out by re-pushing but specifying a different disk allocation.

cf push -f static-app_manifest.yml -p -k 128M

If you want to make this change permanent, you should add it to the manifest. Otherwise, the next time you push the manifest without the -k 128M parameter the current value is overridden.

This reiterates the point made earlier in this section; passing parameters to the CLI is good for experimenting, but permanent changes should be reflected in a manifest that lives in version control.

You can also explicitly ignore the manifest when pushing using the --no-manifest flag.

Variables in Manifests

Manifests support the parameterization of values. For example, you likely want to use a different route for the development version of your app than for the production version. You could parameterize the route value and have it set on push. This allows you to use the same manifest for dev and production.

Variables are declared inside double parenthesis: i.e. ((my-variable)). To demonstrate, let’s parameterize the number of instances in our manifest by editing the file:

- name: training-app
  instances: ((instances))
  memory: 64M
  - go_buildpack

We can then push with:

cf push -f static-app_manifest.yml -p --var instances=1

While this looks similar to cf push -i 1, variables are required to be passed in during push.

It is good practice to define a vars file for each environment (development, staging, prod, etc) rather than relying on variables on the command line. In this way, we would be declaring (in files in source control) all of the deployment configuration for each environment. We could therefore define a file static-app_dev.yml:

instances: 1

And then push with:

cf push -f static-app_manifest.yml -p --vars-file=static-app_dev.yml